Disease persistence and lung function trajectories of childhood asthma.

Some asthmatic children outgrow their airway allergy in adulthood, but there is limited data that predicts the persistence of childhood asthma in adults. A study by Man Fung Tang, et al. (2022) aimed to characterise the trajectory of spirometric indices and identify predictors for the persistence of childhood asthma.


The study found that one third of children outgrew asthma and females were 3.36 times more likely to have persistent asthma in adulthood. In addition, Inhaled corticosteroid treatment and frequent asthma exacerbation predicted asthma persistence in adulthood.

Read the full report.

With extensive experience in supporting Phase I – IV, adult and pediatric clinical trials in asthma, Vitalograph is the study partner of choice for many leading pharmaceutical companies and CROs.

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