The challenge of correct inhaler usage

How to help patients optimise their inhaler technique

In the 1980s Vitalograph understood the challenge of correct inhaler use and developed the first Aerosol Inhalation Monitor (AIM™) which allowed objective assessment of inhaler use for the first time outside the laboratory.


With research showing that 8 out of 10 people use their inhalers incorrectly*, there are significant numbers of patients still not receiving the full benefit from their prescribed medication. Secondary impacts include the fiscal cost of over-prescription and environmental cost of over-reliance on green-house gas emitting metered dose inhalers. Therefore, it is vital that patients are able to use their inhalers effectively.

Today, the Vitalograph AIM is the ideal tool for medical professionals to facilitate conversations around effective inhaler use with patients because it shows how far medication is inhaled into the lungs. The parts of the inhalation process which are difficult to observe by eye are highlighted and a visual reference of the drug delivery is displayed on the device. The AIM detects and measures the elements required for correct inhaler technique such as actuation, inspiratory flow rate and breath hold time. This aids with selection of the right inhaler and mastery of correct technique to support more accurate drug delivery and help patients get the full benefit of their medication.

*d’Ancona, G., & Weinman, J. (2021). Improving adherence in chronic airways disease: are we doing it wrongly? Breathe (Sheffield, England), 17(2), 210022. DOI: 10.1183/20734735.0022-2021

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