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Spirotrac 6 Software Activation

This tool is used to activate Vitalograph Spirotrac 6 software to unlock all features of the product and download software updates.

GP And Patient

To proceed and obtain an activation code, you will need to create a Vitalograph account. After creating your account you must register your device serial number first followed by your Spirotrac PIN.

Find your device serial number

The serial number is 2 letters followed by 5 digits and is located on the product label on the device.

Find your Spirotrac PIN

Open Spirotrac 6.

Select the license icon at the bottom of the screen.

The PIN is displayed in the License window.

Once you have the activation code proceed as follows:

  1. Open Spirotrac 6.

  2. Select the license icon at the bottom of the screen.

  3. Enter the activation code in the text box provided.

  4. Click the “Activate” button.