3-Litre Precision Calibration Syringe

Providing assured accuracy for calibration verification and linearity checking.


Do I need a 3L syringe to perform a calibration verification on my spirometer every day?


The 2019 ATS/ERS 2019 Technical Standards recommend:

“Calibration verifications must be undertaken at least daily using a 3-L syringe cycled at least three times to give a range of flows varying between 0.5 and 12 L/s (with 3-L injection times between 0.5 and 6 s). If an in-line filter is used in spirometry testing, then it must also be used during recalibrations and verifications.”

Do I need a 3L syringe if I perform a Biological Control procedure every day?


Yes. The 2019 ATS/ERS 2019 Technical Standards recommend:

“A biological control is not a substitute for the use of a calibration syringe. However, operators are encouraged to know their own usual FEV1 and FVC, which allows them to conduct a quick, rough check if they suspect a problem.”

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