ActiVate 21 for Asthma
Friday 22nd 2022 saw the finale in the ActiVate 21 for Asthma fundraising campaign, and what a day it turned out to be!
With over 380,000 people diagnosed, Ireland has one of the highest rates of asthma in the world. It currently affects one in ten children and one in thirteen adults. One in five children in Ireland will experience it at some point in their lives. it is the most common chronic respiratory disease for children and young adults in this country.
Every four minutes, someone visits the Accident and Emergency Department because of their uncontrolled asthma. One person dies because of asthma every five days.
This summer, Vitalograph is supporting The Asthma Society of Ireland’s mission to stop asthma deaths in Ireland through their ActiVate 21 for Asthma initiative, in recognition of their 21 years of delivering clinical trials solutions to those developing life-changing therapies for respiratory conditions such as asthma. The Asthma Society of Ireland are the voice of everyone with asthma in Ireland, and their work radically transforms their quality of life. Their vision is that everyone with asthma in Ireland lives a full life, symptom-free.

The 21 challenge culminated on Friday 22nd of July, with a final walk along the famous cliff walk to Moher Tower on Hag’s Head. The Vitalograph Team were joined by Asthma Society of Ireland CEO Sarah O’Connor, who during the week hosted an educational webinar for staff that highlighted crucial information about the management of asthma.
The weather on Friday was glorious, and to spend it with colleagues in such as beautiful location, while participating in a fundraising event for such as worth cause, was definitely the highlight of this summer.
Speaking about the initiative Frank Keane, Vitalograph CEO said: “Our everyday work is about developing solutions to help diagnose and manage respiratory conditions. Since 2001 we have also provided clinical trials services to those developing new therapies in this field. Raising awareness about respiratory health and understanding the impact of conditions such as asthma in our local communities is important for every member of the Vitalograph Team. Initiatives such as ActiVate 21 for Asthma bring a greater focus and determination to our daily objective of improving the lives of people with respiratory problems.”
We would like to thank every staff member who took part in the awareness and fundraising initiative this week, and also to everyone who donated. We’d also like to thank The Ashtma Society of Ireland for the incredibly important work that they do, and for being so available to us during this event. A special thank you to Sarah for making the journey to Clare to join us on our 3rd walk.
We look forward to many more fundraising initiatives in the future.