What’s in a Cough? Cough Frequency as an Endpoint.

Chronic cough can be a very debilitating condition. Professor Jacky Smith has unparalleled knowledge and experience in the area of cough research and has provided advice on study design for numerous new therapies that are currently in advanced stages of clinical trials, aiming to improve the lives of patients with cough. You can expect to hear deep insights into objective cough frequency measurement in clinical trials.

Topics covered 

  • The relevance of cough frequency data.
  • Challenges in measurement and analysis of cough frequency data.
  • Applications now and the future.

This webinar took place on 16 May 2023 and is now available as a playback below. Simply fill the form in the player below for instant access.

Presented By
Professor Jacky Smith
About the Presenter
Professor Jacky Smith is a Professor of Respiratory Medicine at the University of Manchester and an Honorary Consultant at Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust. She runs a multi-disciplinary research team whose focus is on understanding mechanisms underlying pathological cough. She is Director of the NIHR Manchester Clinical Research Facility and an investigator in the NIHR Manchester Biomedical Research Centre. Jacky led the development of a novel method for semi-automated cough detection, licensed to and commercialised by Vitalograph Ltd. This cough monitoring system, the VitaloJAK, changed the standards by which novel cough therapies are evaluated in regulatory clinical trials and has facilitated the discovery of a new class of efficacious anti-tussive therapy, P2X3 antagonists. Her research interests include: Measurement of cough and the cough reflex,  airway innervation and mechanisms of neuronal sensitisation, clinical trials of novel anti-tussive agents, and the role of gastro-oesophageal reflux in chronic cough.