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ERS/ATS Technical Standard Lung Volumes 2023 Update: what should we do differently?

The 2023 ERS-ATS Lung Volume Technical Standard brings a fresh perspective to the 2005 Standard, taking into account advancements of software, hardware, and new published evidence. This webinar will benefit physiologists, pulmonologists, secondary care professionals, and anyone interested in the latest developments in Pulmonary Function Testing and respiratory diagnostics.  Watch in the player below and download slides.

Webinar objectives

  1. Review the difference between a Guideline and a Technical Standard 
  1. Understand the updates related to body plethysmography testing 
  1. Outline the new quality control requirements and on-boarding process. 
  1. Describe the drivers behind the inclusion of and testing recommendations for airway resistance 
Presented By
Prof. Carl D. Mottram
About the Presenter
Professor Carl Mottram serves as Vitalograph’s Chief Scientific Advisor and is a member of the ATS/ERS taskforce responsible for the Lung Volume Technical Standard update. Professor Mottram is the former Technical Director of the Mayo Clinic PFT Laboratory and Associate Professor of Medicine and now the President of PFWConsulting LLC. He serves as Immediate Past President of the Clinical and Laboratory Standard Institute (CLSI) and on the National Board for Respiratory Care where amongst his many assignments is the Past-Chair and current member of their PFT Examination committee. He is an internationally renowned speaker and is the author of Ruppel’s Manual of Pulmonary Function Testing 12th Edition 2022.